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RE: Starter handle for TR3A

To: <>
Subject: RE: Starter handle for TR3A
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2004 10:49:20 -0700
> There's just one problem: it won't engage in anything. There's a hole in
> the radiator, it goes in, but there doesn't seem to be a dog on the
> crankshaft, at least not one that fits my crank handle. I've tried peering
> at the front of the crankshaft with a mirror on a stick, but I can't see
> anything.
> See for a picture of the end of
> the handle. The thick end is 1" in diameter and the bit sticking out at
> the end is about 7/16". I know there were different starting handles for
> TR2/3 (P/N 107863), TR3A (118366) and TR4 (131818), but I don't know how
> to tell them apart. Is what I have a TR3A handle?

Certainly looks like my TR3A handle.

> Or could it be that the
> DPO had another dog installed on the crankshaft?

Sure, could even be a plain bolt.  That's what mine is at the moment ...
since I'll never sell the car, I have to be my own DPO <g>

> How can I find out?

If all else fails, take it apart and look at it.  On my car, there was room
to put my fingers in-between the crank dog and the radiator (from
underneath, with the car on jack stands), but yours may be different.  You
should also be able to look up through the gap and at least see the end of
the handle touch the dog, maybe with help to wiggle the handle around.

But IMO the handle is not worth the effort to set valves.  Put the
transmission in 4th gear, and rock the car (brake off) to roll the engine
over.  If it's a bit stiff, you can use your leg against the front bumper to
get more force on it, but I can just lean a bit against the bottom of the
windshield frame and move mine.


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