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Subject: alignment
From: "john taylor" <>
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 22:53:26 -0400 FILETIME=[73A5B030:01C44203]
Hello Fellow Listers,

I have seen several notes concerning toe adjustment. One thing that 
reallllly bugs me is not having the steering wheel centered while driving.

I have developed a system that lets me get the toe "perfect" and the wheel 

My shop floor is level in one direction that is about 30 feet. I park the 
car in the middle and center and lock the wheel using a Hunter wheel holder. 
They cost about $40. I then set up 4 jack stands and some bright colored 
string that makes a line down each side of the car. A parallelogram is made 
and I get it as long as possible to shorten any error in setup: in my case 
it's about 28 ft. I then very carefully using a small rule set it off the 
rear wheels while starting to measure at the front. Yes, I do check to make 
sure that they are reasonably good wheels with small amounts of run out. I 
try to get the box set the same distance off on each side but it really does 
not matter.

Now you can set the toe. I really try to get it set evenly on each side. It 
will affect tire wear and corner turn in if it is not.

A more accurate method would be to set up the box off the frame and it can 
be done but requires a lot of cralling around on ones knees etc. Working off 
a solid rear axel will get you really close and after a weeee bit of time ya 
do get a feel for it.

TR4a models and up get to do it the long way til ya get to the TR7/8.

Warm Cheers

Greenfield, Ma
Gloucester, Ma

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