Message text written by "Joe Curry"
>...But if the seal is leaking, the pump is shot anyway so I can't see any
reason that the bearing needs to be protected at that point. ...
I disagree with that statement. If the seal was leaking significantly then
the pump is shot but if you get a drop or two occasionally and it can find
its way out the weep hole then so what? The pump can still be used a good
long time with the occasional top-up of the coolant. Without the weep hole
the coolant will be forced to exit via the bearing and wash away the
lubricant causing premature bearing failure.
Of course, if the seal is leaking profusely (say you have to add coolant
once a week, you run a good chance the bearings will pick up some water and
start to rust and fail. But odds are the pump has a lot of miles anyway
and is due.
It is foolinsh to think that a seal will absolutely not laeak any at all.
I'll bet your water pump seal is leaking right now. I'll bet mine are too.
But the amount leaking out is so small you don't notice it and as long as
it stays out ot the bearings, no harm done.