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Pix of our cars

To: "Spitfires List" <>, "6Pack" <>, "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Pix of our cars
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 11:52:32 +0100
There can surely be few members of these lists who don't enjoy seeing images
of our cars? I'm always pleased to see pix sent to me - but one very special
request as it relates to me - and maybe others?
I live in a part of the UK where we still have to exist on modems to
download email or access the Net, as our apology for a telephone network
cannot/will not install Broadband or any type of ultra-fast internet/email
connection because the area is so rural.
The upshot (for me) is that when an enthusiast sends me several pix, it
takes an eternity to download and often results in a time-out and a severed
line connection. I then have to start all over again and I'm racking up
on-line time because of local call rates. Please don't 'not' include me on
your transmissions but could I ask for a pre-empting email asking if I want
to receive? That way, I'll know there's a pic or two coming through and not
a virus. It would also speed things up if the pix could be sent one at a
time instead of several in one transmission. Sorry to be a pain but its one
of the penalties of being forced to live with archaic technology in this
curious and frustrating land.


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