> Based on a recent experience I would look at a combination
> of larger (6 ton ?) jack stands and a larger jack that will
> safely and quickly get the bottom of the frame a minimum of 20 to
> 23 inches - off the ground.
I have the 6 ton stands from Harbor Freight and I'm quite pleased with them.
Lift range is 15" to 24", although I rarely use them above about 20". Think
I found mine on sale for $20
Another tip : I always grab a fender and try to shake the car after putting
it on stands. If anything rocks, fix the problem ! TeriAnn Wakeman did a
good write-up on how to tie down a car on stands to survive in an
earthquake, it might still be on her website. Since I live near
'Shakeytown', a quake while I'm under the car is a real possibility.