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To: TR List <>
Subject: VTR/TRF
From: Jeff Kramer <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 17:02:45 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20030208 Netscape/7.02
Hi List!
    I'm making an Open Invitation to any person or family that is going 
to VTR/TRF 2K02 to feel free to stop at my place to sleep over. This is 
to mean camping out at my place, because all my beds are full at this 
point. I live in WNY area [just east of Lockport, NY [about a 6 hr drive 
from my place to TRF. I'm thinking that people that might be interested 
would be coming from the North [Canada] which could be WI. people if yo 
decided to cut through CA. from Detroit. I'm leaving for VTR/TRF on Wed. 
[8/6/2K3] in the AM so I can take a leisure ride down through the back 
roads & hills. So after Tue. night You wouldn't what to stop by. Please 
respond to me personally, so I can give directions to my place.
    Also, If there are any TR List Menders that would like to obtain a 
window decal for there car, then look me up @ VTR/TRF's SP & I will sell 
you one @ $3.00 each [the same cost as Joe Curry does.] OR You could 
trade it for a beer ;-) .  There are some people that still owe me the 
beer. :-)  I'm hoping I see them sometime. :-D     I'm doing this for 
the list, & NOT for profit. I do think highly of this list & would like 
us to promote it as much as possible.
-Cosmo Kramer

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