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RE: numbers help

To: <>
Subject: RE: numbers help
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 15:51:43 -0700
> Now that I am getting a good look at my new TR3A, I hope someone
> can provide
> some insight with these numbers....
> Number plate on passenger side bulkhead:  TS57347

That is the "commission" or serial number for the entire car, Triumph's
equivalent to the US' VIN.  The lack of a trailing "L" would seem to
indicate you have a right-hand drive car, and "57347" indicates it was built
near July of 1959.  "TS" is believed to stand for "Triumph Sports".

> Numbers on center of bulkhead:  EB55112

A serial number for the finished body.

> and under that:  1060259 (my book
> says there are only suppose to be 6 numbers, why do I have 7?)

That's the body shell number, assigned by the people who built the bare
shell (Mulliners).  They started being 7 digits in May of 1958.  No idea
why, except there seem to be some large gaps in the sequence and they
probably reached 999999 (but it wasn't assigned to a TR3 body).

> Numbers on exhaust manifold: DA14221

I'm pretty sure that's a "casting number", but I don't have any more

> and under that:  301144

The Standard-Triumph part number for the exhaust manifold

> Number on engine under #3 plug:  TS57505E

The engine's serial number (the trailing "E" indicates engine).  The numbers
didn't originally match, since some engines were installed in other cars,
but since they are very close and the engine is slightly higher, that's most
likely the original engine block.

> There are additional numbers on the passenger side of the block, but they
> are perfectly set right behind the exhaust pipe.  Would those numbers mean
> anything?

Just casting numbers, AFAIK, not good for much.

Probably the best book around for such minutia is Bill Piggott's "Original
Triumph TR 2/3/3A", available from the usual places.  Everything I've just
mentioned is in there.


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