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Re: Beer - Canadian Beer

To: "Richard Crabbe" <>, "triumphs" <>
Subject: Re: Beer - Canadian Beer
From: "John Peacock" <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 15:36:08 -0400
References: <001d01c34bcb$6d583f10$62bfacce@oemcomputer>
There are many groups in the states that would just as soon see beer go
away.  Or any alcohol for that matter.  I think the beer is regulated
Federally.  Or I think higher content beer is taxed at a higher rate.  I
cant think of any other reason why we get the crap when the rest of the
world gets the good stuff.  Probably similar to the horsepower restrictions
set on imported cars.  Take for instance the late MR2.  Not the new goofy
thing they are trying to pass as one(likely another concession to the
American tastes).  In Japan it was sitting up around 300hp, but the US
regulated it down to 265.  Many cars were taxed so heavily(luxury tax)that
they just stopped bringing them here, choosing instead econo boxes trying to
pass themselves off as sports touring cars.

Many things are taxed here in such a way that importers just concede and
lower values to compete.  And lets face it, most people here would never
know the differance anyway.

Oh yeah and lets make this more Triumph related.  Take the European TR7
compared to the American TR7.  Much less horses.  And I think, but am not
sure, that this happened during much of the production years of the TR.

Just my thoughts on the subject.


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