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Re: Good Beer, Now Favorite Beer Survey

To: George Huffaker <>
Subject: Re: Good Beer, Now Favorite Beer Survey
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 16:15:15 -0400
Cc: id h6FKHw7R012912
Message text written by George Huffaker
>And no offense intended to any individual on this list, but regarding beer
and ale, some of you sound like a bunch of fecking beer snobs. And it
sounds to be mostly the Americans that are responding to this thread.  Its
as if you are ashamed of your own beer.  Being from Ireland, and more
recently the UK, I have my own opinions on a good pint, but you should
never be ashamed of your heritage or where you are from.  Especially when
it comes to your beer. Trust me on that one, boys!  Whether it be an
American "light" beer in a tin can or a good pint of stout, just enjoy it
and quit whinging and knocking American beers like a bunch of fecking
Euro-wannabes.  ;-)

Hey!  I'M an American!  If I want to be a beer snob, that's my right! 
(tongue firmly planted in  cheek)

Seriously, since I put up with endless "how can you drink that swill"
comments from my "yellow beer" drinking friends I find it heart warming to
commiserate with the occasional darker beer afficionados.  Forgive my rant
(all meant in fun).  My real belief is that it is all a matter of personal
preference.  We all drive the cars we like.  So we should drink that which
we prefer.  Enjoy life.

Dave (Euro wannabe)

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