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Re: Happy 4th

To: "David A. Templeton" <>
Subject: Re: Happy 4th
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 2003 16:07:05 -0600
Cc: "Triumphs@Autox Net (E-mail)" <>
References: <005d01c3425b$dc175680$>
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20030208 Netscape/7.02
David A. Templeton wrote:

>To all of my friends south of the border, Happy fourth! may it be filled
>with joy, hot dogs, baseball, parades and LBC top-down driving!!!!
Thanks, took 4 flag-waving candy-throwing boys and myself in the TR4 for 
our neighborhood parade.  An MG TD got there early to lead the parade, 
but a late comer in a new Volvo convertible somehow snagged the lead. 
 We were toward the back with only a go-cart and a vespa between us and 
the pack of 50+ kids on bicycles.  Stopped at the top of the last hill, 
the parade-watchers at the bottom all clearly heard the "oh no!" from 
the bike pack when the go-cart kid ran into the back of the TR4.  No 
harm done, both the TR4 and the go-cart ride low and we caught him on 
the bumper.  Say what you will about America, but not a single personal 
injury lawyer leapt from the crowd to give me his business card.

No baseball yet, but I've had my tofu hot dogs for lunch and caught another 
hour in the TR4 at a brisker pace than the parade allowed.  Hope you enjoyed 
much of the same.

Steven Newell
Littleton, CO
62 TR4

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