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Modifying Old Datsun Brake drums

Subject: Modifying Old Datsun Brake drums
From: Scott Tilton <>
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 10:34:47 -0700 (PDT)
Hey guys,

I've had some old Datsun 240Z finned aluminum brake drums in my possesion for a
number of years.

I never got around to modifing them to fit on one of the  TRs (4 0r 6) 

I actually thought I'd just break down and go buy new ones that were machined
to fit the TR.

Being a non-mandatory repair (the cast iron TR drums work fine afterall)  that
plan also got sidetracked.

So anyway, I finally had an opportunity to put these suckers up on a lathe and
modify them.  I opened up the center hole to fit the Triumph hub.  I kept it
very close so the hub should center the drum and I won't bother with the little

I also enlarged the groove around the rim to allow it to wrap around the
triumph back plate.

I thought I was all set until I went to fit them up . . . 

Turns out the outer edge of the brake shoes are actually bottoming out on the
inside face of the aluminum drum before it is seated all the way against the


I can see that the Datsun drums actually have a circular recessed section
machined about .070" into the inside face of the aluminum drum. 

I can only guess that if this recession weren't there. . . they'd fit okay.
Maybe the new drums that can be bought pre-machined for the Triumph application
don't have this recession.

So I guess I could look into getting a thin spacer made to go between the drum
and the hub and fill this recessed area.

I was wondering if anyone who had fit Datsun drums to their car had to go
through the 
same thing?

I'm sure my wording makes the question about as clear as mud . . but I'll float
it out there and see if any answers come back my way.

Thanks in advance for any replies.

Scott Tilton
1963 TR4 Everday
1970 TR6 resurrection coming soon.

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