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Re: TR3/4 Crank and Rod RPM Limits...

Subject: Re: TR3/4 Crank and Rod RPM Limits...
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <> id h5SFRhBd009114
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2003 08:24:21 -0700
Cc: Triumph Triumph list <>
> Hello, new to the list here...I was wondering if anyone had a ballpark 
> figure
> as to how high the TR4 engine can be revved with stock but prepared 
> crank and
> rods (nitrided, shot peened, balanced)? Will they hold up to an 
> occasional
> 6,000 RPMs? How about 6,500? Or would that be risking a blow-up...

As one who drives a TR3A who's tack needle  frequently visits the 6000 
RPM line I would be happy to tackle that question:

There are major crank shaft harmonics around 5200, 5800 and 6200 RPM. 
The one at 5200 RPM tends to break the crank at the base of the 
flywheel mounting flange if you spend much time there. The one at 6200 
is at the middle of the crank and tends to beat up the middle main 
bearing. Time may tell me what the 5800 RPM harmonic breaks.

Triumph factory race cars were red lined at 5000 RPM (same as a stock 
engine) so they would not break the crank on a long race.

There is a harmonic dampener kit currently available (Racetorations in 
the UK, British Frame & Engine in the US) that tames the 5200 RPM 
harmonic quite a bit and possibly the others as well. Nitriding the 
crank increases its hardness and is a must if you want to rev the 
engine. So are such things as balancing the engine, lightening the 
rocker assembly, going to an aluminium flywheel and going to stronger 
valve springs and retainers.

Also be aware that current stock non asbestos clutch disk linings seem 
to come apart if you spend much time at or above 6000 RPM.

Revs above 5000 are not for the stock engine without a shelf of spare 
cranks.  if you want to spend time above 6000 RPMs you would have to 
get serious about special cranks and rods.  Nitriding & balancing will 
not be enough.

TeriAnn J. Wakeman
      Marigold Ltd.

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