Jerry Van Vlack wrote:
I totally agree with Steve on this. People have left the list because of so
much off topic stuff. Stay on the topic of all things Triumph.
Jerry, with respect, "all things Triumph" suggests to me "all things TR." For
those of us who don't own TR's or Spitfires (me), like them but have no
particular wish to own one (me again) but do own two Triumphs this list is
(mostly) not concerned with, it comes as a refreshing change to see occasional
rogue threads creeping in.
You see similar posts to other Triumph lists - 6 pack and the lists on Yahoo
If certain listers felt "Is there anywhere else in the world" was off-topic
(and yes, it was), spare a thought for the many non-US/ Canada listers who
periodically have to suffer equally off-topic threads on such issues as 'write
to your senator' about whatever happens to be gripe of the month in a
particular State or in Congress, supplier bashing and nationalist opinions tat
ave noting to do with any car. I've lost count of the number of
multi-generation posts I've seen on that general theme and it's like watching
paint dry. But when this happens, you don't see many listers outside North
America whingeing about getting back on topic, if any? I suspect the majority
just take a deep breath, grit their teeth, hit the delete button and hope
it'll finish soon? Certainly applies to me!
The charm of this list and all the others, are surely their cosmopolitan
nature and diverse owner background? The fact this list deals *mostly* with a
minority range of models that were sold in one primary rabbit hole is also
part of its charm, but take my word for it, there's far more, truckloads more
- to Standard-Triumph and its former product range than is offered up daily at
If you seek feedback on "all things Triumph," do you read the content of all
the other lists covering Mayflowers, Spitfires, Heralds and Big Sixes? If not,
you're missing something. Personally, I wish there weren't so many model
dedicated lists - after all, the cars were all made in the same factory, more
or less - but that's the way enthusiasts want to go.
Maybe I speak only for myself, but an off-topic thread can often make the
difference between an entertaining download and one that is mind-numbingly
boring because the thread has been covered endless times previously or its a
local/national 'off-topic' issue.
My 2 pee's worth
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