I guess you're right Andy. Too young or too addled. Or it could be early
signs of Alzheimer's from all those aluminum cans I've drained!
Hmmm early sixties? If you remember that far back you must be almost as old
as Fred!!
Cheers :>
> From: ZoboHerald@aol.com
> Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 11:43:26 -0400
> To: dspence@oanet.com (Don Spence), triumphs@autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: TR2 Front Wings and Archeology
> In a message dated 5/21/2003 10:24:06 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> dspence@oanet.com writes:
>>>> and a church key.
>>> Our UK friends may think this is a key for a church. It is a beer-can
>>> opener.
>> Uhhh paul.... that would be a beer BOTTLE opener. A beer can opener is
>> either a thumb and forefinger (loosely described as a hand) or in the case
>> of the knuckle dragging reverse baseball cap crowd (otherwise known as IQ
>> diminishing caps) cans are opened with the teeth. :>
> Uh, Don, perhaps you're too young to remember when beer cans --mostly still
> made of steel then -- required an opener, before the invention of the pop-top
> opening lid in the early 1960s (and the later refinement thereof to eliminate
> the ring and sharp edge that separated from the can and got thrown on the
> beach to cut the feet of others)? :-)
> --Andy Mace
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