Message text written by Don Spence
>Uhhh paul.... that would be a beer BOTTLE opener. A beer can opener is
either a thumb and forefinger (loosely described as a hand) or in the case
of the knuckle dragging reverse baseball cap crowd (otherwise known as IQ
diminishing caps) cans are opened with the teeth. :>
You don't remember, in the old days, there was a time before "pop-top" beer
cans and you had to use a "can opener" that would pierce the can and open
up a triangular hole for product removal. One would create an opening and
then rotate the can 180 degrees and make another opening to allow air to
replace the product removed. This second step was usually done on the same
end of the can but at frat parties making the air hole on the opposite end
facilitated more rapid product removal (this was the days before sporting
baseball caps with the bills pointed backwards was a fashion statement).
But as you correctly pointed out, the "church key" is the bent up wire harp
for removing the caps from beverage bottles.
Dave (feeling older every day)
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