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Re: Thanks to Don

To: Mitchel Seff <>
Subject: Re: Thanks to Don
From: Don Malling <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 21:11:04 -0400
Cc: 6pack <>, triumph mailing list <>
References: <>
Thanks for the kind words, but I'm afraid I still owe the list much more
than I have contributed to it.

The real value of the list is the folks who answer all the questions.  

Without the collective knowledge of the people on the list, my TR250,
which has been with me since 1968, would still be sitting in the garage
all in one piece waiting for me to help it, and I would still be
standing there scratching my head wondering how to go about it. With
your help it is now in pieces and scattered around the hills of northern
Pennsylvania, to the Hudson Valley of NY, to Minnesota and to Richmond
Virginia. I couldn't have done it without you guys... :-)

As they say, the best is yet to come.


BTW, I'm headed for Carlisle, and would like to meet up with anyone else
who is going -- just to connect some faces with the names.

Don Malling  

Mitchel Seff wrote:
> I just received my Gunst bearing thanks to the involvement & help from
> Don Malling. I just want him to know how we all appreciate his time
> given to unselfishly help other enthusiasts. The quality of people on
> the lists has proven time & again that there are plenty of good guys
> left in the world.
> I must also say that the Gunst is a nice piece of work. The bronze
> bearing carrier is very substantial & the bearing is impressive. I'll
> know first hand how it works very soon.
> Once again, thank you Don
> Mitch Seff
> Oceanside , New York

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