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'74 TR-6 Thermostatic vacuum switch

To: <>
Subject: '74 TR-6 Thermostatic vacuum switch
From: "Ed Lancaster" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 17:55:04 -0500
The switch fitted to the top radiator in my car has 4 vacuum ports. These are
marked "D" "C" "M" and "FI". The pictures in the TRF catalog and other sources
show that in '74 this switch had only 3 ports. These connect to the
distributor and carburetors. I can find no reference illustrating 4 ports for
any model. Do I use only 3 ports and hook the vacuum lines as illustrated? If
so, which ports connect where and what do I do with the extra port? Any help
would be greatly appreciated.

Ed Lancaster
"74 TR-6

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