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RE: How bad did I mess up

To: "'Ronnie Babbitt'" <>, Triumphs <>
Subject: RE: How bad did I mess up
From: Mark Hooper <>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 07:53:23 -0500
Hi Ronnie:

Taking off the head would only risk spreading the contamination no? As long
as all is assembled the sand grains are trapped above the lifters. So you
just need to wash them out.

Consider using a 1/4" plastic tube taped onto a shopvac and sucking out each
of the pushrod tube holes. You might want to thin down the oil in there with
a bit of varsol. Gasoline would probably be too flamable and do something
nasty to the shopvac. Put some water in the shopvac so that the varsol will
fall into it as it enters the vacuum instead of being vaporized and sucked
through the motor. 

I used the vacuum trick to get some bits out that I dropped down the holes
by mistake. Worked quite well.

Mark Hooper
1972 TR6

-----Original Message-----
From: Ronnie Babbitt []
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 10:42 PM
To: Triumphs
Subject: How bad did I mess up

In my efforts to freshen up the motor on my new sports six, I removed
all external components. I taped some plastic around the head covering
the Valve assembly. I then began to sand blast the block preparing it
for paint. After painting the block I removed the taped plastic. I had
not considered that some of the sand had adhered to the tape and a few
grains fell on/into the head. I vacuumed up the few grains but I can not
be certain that any fell into the push-rod tubes. 

Any suggestion, I would like to keep from removing the head if at all
possible. But if I must I must..

ronnie babbitt

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