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Re: Another "new" GT6

Subject: Re: Another "new" GT6
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 20:40:58 EST
In a message dated 3/15/2003 5:02:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Another Triumph just followed me home.  That makes 3, one of which 
> actually runs.  This one is a GT6 Mk3....

Cool! And you're 1 for 3 on running Triumphs? Percentage-wise, you're doing a 
bit better than I am at the moment, although the "new" Sports 6 seems to 
start quickly from cold and run beautifully...for the two seconds that the 
starting fluid lasts. Maybe I'll try bypassing the unknown quantity that 
serves as the original gas tank and hook up something directly to the fuel 

> Commission number KF21857, body 22110KF (close enough), and engine 
> number is KD53420E.  The commission number is right for a 1973 US 
> car, but the engine number doesn't look right to me.  A 1973 swing 
> spring car should have had the low compression smogged engine.  Can 
> anybody out there cross reference that engine number and tell me what 
> it is out of?  I am guessing it's a GT6 Plus.  At least I hope it is.

Right all around. The engine should be a "UE" suffix engine. But be grateful 
for what appears to be a circa 1969 model GT6+ engine; it's hard to argue 
with (or against) the extra 16 hp, even if it does mean using a higher grade 
of gasoline. My 1970 GT6+ would run well enough on premium but did develop 
quite the taste for Sunoco 260. :-)

--Andy Mace

p.s. CONFIDENTIAL To Scott: Can I help it if Triumphs -- and the occasional 
Standard -- follow me home, too? sometimes in multiples? I mean really; it's 
now been at least 180 hours since I last got another Triumph, and I actually 
let one go last weekend. (OK, it was never really all mine anyway; it was 
shared with that other Master of the Triumph Acquisition/Shuffle/Long Haul 
Brad Kahler! ;-)

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