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Re: TR-8 help needed

Subject: Re: TR-8 help needed
From: Odd Hedberg <>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 12:58:36 +0100
Cc: 1-Triumph List <>
Organization: Seldom any at all...
References: <>
Hello John, 

On Mon., 24 Feb. 2003 09:01:34 EST John Rossi wrote:
> I need info on removing gas tank from a TR-8,

Kirk Yonker commented:
> >     Removing the fuel tank. Do you have a ROM for this vehicle? 
> >     If not, I might suggest getting one. 

To this was added a very good technical description by Dave Massey. 
It explains most of the usual problems with removing the tank but he 
forgot one on personal safety and fire hazard... Firstly; Are you 
positively sure you need to take it out? Or opening it, even? If so; 
Be VERY careful when you take the armature fittings out of it. Re-
member you'll be working under it, and even if the gauge and idiot 
light says 'empty tank' - you'll be sprinkled or gushed in a gallon 
or so of fuel. Don't ask me how I know... ;-) 

If you haven't got a ROM, they can sometimes still be found [in prin-
ted form] from some of the specialized vendors. And from MT you can 
get a CD with all the relevant printings like the Manuals, tech bulle-
tins, parts catalogues etc, for both the TR7 and the TR8. He can be 
reached at:
Well worth the money imho...

> location of fuel pump,

Kirk Yonker commented:
> >    Fuel pump is located on the EXTERIOR of the rear bulkhead of 
> >    the body. The large fuel filter is immediately below it. 
> >    If you jack up the rear of the car and look underneath from the
> >    rear, you can't miss it. You can easily test the fuel pump to 
> >    see if it operating by connecting test leads to it from the 
> >    battery located in the trunk (boot).

Here one might add that the fuel pump electrics are earthed, via the 
main harness, at an earthing point - in the front of the luggage com-
partment. Not, as one might expect, close to the pump...

> fuel pump reset switch,

Kirk Yonker commented:
> >    The fuel pump reset switch is located at the rear of the left 
> >    inner fender, adjacent and below the clutch master cylinder. 
> >    It should be a black square box with a round plunger switch at 
> >    the top. 

Modern ones [if someone have switched it out some time back] are usu-
ally [round or square-ish] pipe-like things with a pressable rubber 
diaphragm on top - and no externally visible plunger... Shorting them
out is still the appropriate test procedure, though. 

> >    Ensure the plunger in the fully down position. Try cycling it 
> >    up and down. This is not a particularly well designed unit for 
> >    the rather hellish environment of a TR8 engine bay. IF THE PUMP 
> >    IS NOT WORKING GO HERE FIRST. Jump the leads on the unit and 
> >    see if your pump starts. These units do go gunnysack. Make sure
> >    you are cranking your engine when you test with jumped leads.

If you are familiar with your efi system you might go the shorter rou-
te, not cranking the engine, but instead pressing the Air Flow Meter 
flap slightly inwards with your finger [or another blunt object]. This
fools the relays into thinking the engine is cranking - and starts the
fuel pump... 

> and serving fuel pump. 

The TR8 efi only have one fuel pump. The return line ends in the tank 
internal 'swirl pot' out of which the Bosch HP pump sucks its feed. 
And since the swirl pot is internal there is no need for a feeder pump
to serve the HP pump. This arrangement have the downside the [sensi-
tive and expensive] Bosch pump needs to be positioned low in compari-
son to the swirl pot - ending in it being in its exposed position...

> Have a TR-8 fuel injected car. No fuel getting to injectors. Car will
> run on starting fluid.

This could also be a fault in the combination relay that prohibits the
operation of the fuel pump - but the crash impact switch mentioned in 
the above texts should be your first suspect, followed by the electri-
cal connections on the pump itself. They tend to corrode due to the 
exposed position of the pump. 
Good luck with your fault finding mission. 
Do not hesitate to ask if you need more info, and also; why not join 
the Wedge e-mail list also - lot's of [Wedge only!] information being
exchanged there...
Best regards
Odd Hedberg 
Pomonagatan 4           International liaison secretary, TR8-rep., 
SE-74236 Vsthammar      Registerverdare, MHRF-ansvarig mm mm
Sweden                  Triumph Club of Sweden
                       '70 Spitfire Mk3  FD82497LO  Signal Red
                       '80 TR8 DHC EFi  TPZDV8AT211468  Midas Gold
             Club URL:
Home Phone/Fax/Mobile:  Int+ 46-17317131 / 46-17318131 / 46-706917131
Geographical Position:  N 60deg 15min 03.5sec   E 18deg 23min 40.4sec
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