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To: "Pete & Aprille Chadwell" <>
Subject: Re: SUV
From: "jack williams" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 23:10:42 -0600
Cc: <>
References: <001801c2d2e3$c4b683e0$6500a8c0@dellpc> <a05200f0dba70b9b56ca4@[]>
Hmmmmmmmmm. hate to play devils advocate, but sounds a bit like telling Iraq
they can't have weapons of mass destruction while we create some of the most
hideous methods of killing people right here in the good old USA. Not that I
think Saddam is a saint, but hey...

Jack W.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pete & Aprille Chadwell" <>
To: "Triumphs Mailing List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 9:15 PM
Subject: Re: SUV

> >We drive cars that may have no "useful" purpose; we do so because we like
> >and enjoy them. In the next breath we dare criticize others for driving
> >they choose to drive.
> Woo Hoo! Way to go, Peter!
> You've just exposed the classic modus operandi of most liberals: Make
> rules for everyone ELSE to follow, while exempting yourself from
> those same rules. Liberals frequently find reasons why THEY shouldn't
> have to follow the rules, but they'll NEVER accept anyone else's
> reasons for doing the same. And I'm sorry if that ticks some of you
> off, but this RIDICULOUS SUV debate is a CLASSIC illustration of it.
> Damn, I just LOVE it when people tell it like it is! Thanks, Peter!
> --
> Pete Chadwell
> 1973 TR6

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