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Re: Castor,Camber, toe etc...long

To: "Tim Hutchisen" <>, "Scions of Lucas" <>
Subject: Re: Castor,Camber, toe etc...long
From: "Phil Ethier" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 23:23:08 -0600
References: <003501c2ce53$31a4b340$88a869ce@UPSTAIRSOFFICE>
> Camber-The inward or outward tilt of the wheels from true vertical as
> from the front or rear of the vehicle. The vehicle will always pull to the
> side with the most negative camber.

This seems backwards. I expect the negative camber to pull towards the
center.  That's why folks who run a lot of negative camber for autocross
crank in a little extra toe-out for better tire wear on the street.

> TOOT- (Toe Out On Turns)- When turning a corner, the inside wheel has to
> at a sharper angle than the outside wheel because the inside has a shorter
> distance to travel.

When did they stop calling this Ackerman?

> Thrustline- A line which bisects the rear toe, or the direction the rear
> wheels are pointed. If the rear wheels are pointed to the left, then the
> thrustline will be left. Thrustangle can be calculated by comparing the
> thrustline to the geometric center line of the vehicle.

When the error on this is excessive, it is commonly called "dog-tracking".
An easy way to check for this is to drive straight on through a wet spot,
then go back and look at your tire tracks on the dry pavement after the wet

Phil Ethier  West Side  Saint Paul  Minnesota  USA
1970 Lotus Europa 65/2597, 1992 Saturn SL2, 1986 Suburban, 1962 TR4 CT2846L

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