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Re: sad week indeed now Blame America First

To: Ray <>
Subject: Re: sad week indeed now Blame America First
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2003 16:43:10 -0700
Cc: john willowby <>,
References: <> <001701c2ce34$920f6960$> from [] at Thu, 6 Feb 2003 17:40:04 -0600
But Ray, surely you have an opinion on this!!!!!


Ray wrote:
> This is the same crap spammed to several other lists by this fool.  OK, you 
>had your say, here's mine:
>   Especially how our foreign policy, (or lack of one when it comes to the AIDS
>   pandemic now raging in Africa) affects others and their view of us.
>   *Let's see- the score is virus 1 or 2 billion we know of, humans zero.  NO 
>virus has been cured, less an extremely mutable one like the HIV/AIDS.  Cuba 
>cured their AIDS problem by quarantine.  I suggest that if you don't want a 
>venereal disease, keep your pecker in your pocket.
>   Unlike John, judging by his simplistic comments, I have spent time in 
>Africa.  The problems there are caused by stone age tribal organizations 
>exacerbated by European stupidity.....note that the US has never had a colony 
>in Africa, and the slave trade (a perennial favorite) was started and 
>continues to exist because of African captors.
>   President Bush's determination to avenge his daddy
>   *Oh please!  Try to keep up with events, won't you?  George Bush did what 
>the UN said to do, and stopped when they said "stop".  That was his mistake.
>   will cost billions of
>   dollars (not to mention the lives)
>   *Touch off a bio weapon in a densely populated area, let, say 150,000 die, 
>then send this letter out to the survivors along with your address.... and 
>figure THAT cost.  Then answer your doorbell.
>   that could be better spent on AIDS
>   treatment and prevention
>   *see comment #1-prevention of venereal disease is easy....unless you are 
>either stupid, or obsessive.  And speaking of, a vast majority of HIV 
>positives in this country are one of three categories:  homosexuals, 
>intravenous drug users, or those who have sex with the first two groups.  In 
>other countries with the other strain it is a heterosexual disease.  But still 
>a VD.
>    keep and on healing the wounds we have caused in the
>   Arab world (and other areas) rather than inflicting more
>   *Those Islamic fundamentalists hate the entire Western way of life. Not 
>just America.  Tell you what, re-read the Pillars of Islam, let us know what 
>you find.
>   and inflaming
>   anti-American sentiment in the rest of the Islamic world.
>   *They hate you now for what you are, not what you do, moron.
>   If you felt
>   vulnerable after 9/11, wait until after IRAQ II.   All the might of the
>   American military (your sons and daughters and mine) will have little effect
>   in protecting us from a people who see themselves as grieviously wronged by
>   "America".
>   *Really?  It is very difficult for the dead to do much of anything.  
>Remember the leftie talking heads on the news
>   before Afghanistan?  Remember the lalalalala on the Arab street?  Remember 
>the dead silence after the Taliban ran for the hills, and flamed out?  Power 
>is respected, weakness is not.
>   Go in Peace,
>   *You timid souls,
>   we don't need you.
>   Ray
>   Been there, done that, watched the lefties get carved up in the bush by 
>their own buddies.
>   PS- Learn how to spell "grievously".
>   PPS- Can we go back to cars or a related subject now?  Or do we have to 
>continue to listen to the World Worker's Party useful idiot?

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