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RE: fans

To: <>
Subject: RE: fans
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 02:22:26 -0800
> I have mounted a pusher type electric fan to my TR3 with
> Stainless steel 1/4"
> bolts bent to fit around the radiator and through the fan ears
> with clips on
> the engine side of the radiator.  Looks good,, but the 1/4" bolts
> will keep
> my painted cardboard duct from resting against the radiator.  Has
> anyone used
> the thin plastic fan mounts that go through the radiator fins
> with the backup
> clips  ,, and will they rub a hole in the radiator tubes???

I have, no problems.  Before I did, I asked a radiator man that I respect
what he thought of them, and he said they are fine, as long as you get the
plastic 'bolt' centered between the tubes, so that it does not touch the
tubes.  I paid some attention when installing, and although I don't recall
just when I installed the fan, it's not rubbed a hole in over 10 years of
almost daily driving.

But, a good radiator shop should be able to fabricate some mounts that will
only interfere slightly with the cardboard duct.  I plan to replace mine
with aluminum anyway, the cardboard ones don't hold up very long even in
CA's dry climate.


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