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Re: fans

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: fans
From: "Kinderlehrer" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2003 14:08:43 -0800
References: <>
Subject: fans

> I have mounted a pusher type electric fan to my TR3 with Stainless steel
> bolts bent to fit around the radiator and through the fan ears with clips
> the engine side of the radiator.  Looks good,, but the 1/4" bolts will
> my painted cardboard duct from resting against the radiator.  Has anyone
> the thin plastic fan mounts that go through the radiator fins with the
> clips  ,, and will they rub a hole in the radiator tubes???
> Thanks,,, KENT SHRACK
> '60 TR3a, Right Hand Drive w/ OD

I have a 16" Mercedes fan mounted in front of the radiator on my TR3A.  I
looked at those mounting kits and thought, Ha! I can do that cheaper.  I
used cable ties, but  I didn't wrap them around the radiator fins.  The head
of the tie went through a mounting hole and acted like a bolt head, then I
slid the tie through the vanes and used a nylon washer and a 2nd tie as a
nut. After tightening it up, I just cut the strap off that second tie.  So
far so good.  ISTR that those kits used round nylon stud kind of things, I
thought the ties would be better because they are flat and wider so it would
spread the load over a greater area of the vane.

Another thing I did before mounting the fan was spread a layer of rubber
silcone sealant over the surface of the fan frame that would be in contact
with the radiator and let it dry before mounting the radiator.  This
provided a nice buffer to prevent vibration from wearing either the radiator
or the fan housing and I guess it works because it doesn't rattle at all.

Let me know if this isn't clear and I will try to get a picture.


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