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TR8 power steering removal

To: <>
Subject: TR8 power steering removal
From: <>
Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2003 21:37:56 -0800
Hi Bud,

I can't quite imagine why one would have to remove the motor unless the motor
mounts or major front-end components were damaged or modified.  Removing the
power rack was rather cumbersome as the clearance for removal is limited, but
following the factory recommended process, with the car on a lift, allowed for
removal without having to mess with the motor.  I would not try to do the job
with the car on jack stands, as there will not be enough room to manipulate
the rack for removal.  Once the rack and pump are removed there are no
fittings to be blocked-off or plugged.  The length of the steering shaft for
the manual rack is different than for the power rack, but that is easily
replaced.  While at it I strongly recommend replacing all the steering shaft
bushings (the one at the firewall and those at the steering-wheel.

If you don't have the shop manual I can fax the concerned section to you if
that would help.  In any case, it is a do-able conversion, and I think it is
well worth it!  Good luck!

Best regards,

----- Original Message -----
  From: levilevi
  Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 12:31 PM
  Subject: Re: TR8 Power steering removal,

  Thanks Bob,

  When you replaced it did you have to remove the motor and go to a lot of
trouble to replace it with a different steering rack or did you just pull the
steering pump/hoses/etc. and plug off some fittings?  Another responder
indicated it was quite a process so I'm wondering what those who went to
non-power steering went through to get there.

  Thanks again.

  71TR6 CC57365 (Good 6)
  66TR4A CTC57806 (The Wreck-Almost Parts)
  66TR4A CTC57529 (The Project)
  71F250 Camper Special (Triumph Support Vehicle)
  Robert Banathy
  Senior Director
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  Kintetsu World Express (USA), inc.
  Office Phone:(408) 727-1004
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