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Interesting Tenuous LBC

To: "Javier Vidaurre Ch." <>
Subject: Interesting Tenuous LBC
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 09:05:37 -0500
Cc: jonmac <>, British Car Mailing List <>, Spitfires List <>, Triumph List <> id gBNE6lDg003613
Message text written by "Javier Vidaurre Ch."
>You wrote:

"(which shattered the rudder of my late father's WW1
Sopwith Camel)"

You have got my attention sir, would you be so kind
and tell us more about it?

Javier, this and many other anecdotes are related in John's self published
book "In My Father's Shadow" which is available from John directly.  Makes
for enjoyable light reading to while away the hours on those long, cold,
snowy winter nights.  And I'm sure you'll enjoy it there in Peru as well.

Feliz Navidad

Dave Massey

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