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re: Damned Weather Man

Subject: re: Damned Weather Man
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 20:48:52 EST

My TR4 was always very water tight until it too started dumping water on my 
leg and I finally found out why 20 years after the fact. The drain in the 
plenum chamber was plugged so the chamber would fill with water and runneth 
over onto my leg. When I accelerated or especially took a hard right turn a 
dump of water would land on my left leg. 

You can pull the hose off from below (remove side panel) and clear the drain 
hole with a wire. Mine actually had a stray screw that had fallen in and 
combined with some leaf compost and dirt was sealed up the drain hole solid!

This might even get your 'replace the windsheild/seals' off your 'to do' list.

'63 TR4 since '74

>It also waits until I get in and start to move forward then it brings new
>meaning to the phrase "taking a leak" (on my leg no less)
>One day I'll have to replace the windshields in both the TR4 an the TR6 and
>cure them of this bad habit.
>Scott Tilton
>1963 TR4 everyday

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