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To: "TR List" <>
Subject: Racetorations
From: "Jim Hill" <>
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2002 14:37:54 -0600
References: <>
It's been suggested a couple of times on this list that Daryl Uprichard's
Racetorations shop in the UK is, was, or may be experiencing some  financial
strain. I don't know whether that's true or not, or whether that should have
any impact on their ability to deliver their catalogued products.

What I do know is that Racetorations has a large and very well-equipped
shop, devoted specifically to making some very interesting speedy bits for
Triumphs that are not obtainable elsewhere.

If anyone has had recent dealings with this company--good or bad--or any
further information about their status, I'd like to hear about it. On the
list or privately.

If you read between the lines, you can probably tell that there are some
Racetorations parts I'd like to have . . . ;-)

Jim Hill

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