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Re: LBC Sort of.

To: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Subject: Re: LBC Sort of.
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2002 09:21:15 -0700
Cc: "Roger Helman @ home" <>, Triumph List <>
References: <> <> from [] at Sat, 7 Dec 2002 10:18:48 -0600
"Michael D. Porter" wrote:
> "Roger Helman @ home" wrote:
> >
> >         Last night I had this dream. I drove my TR6 to work ( I work at 
>home). A
> > taxi driver smashes into to it wrecking the front end. I spent the rest of
> > the night dreaming, making lists on what I would need to repair it. I know
> > you are saying "What is unusually about that."  Well what comes in the mail
> > today but a TRF parts catalog!!
> >
> > My wife's question is: How large should the team of physiologists be? I told
> > here at least 6 :-)
> Hmmm. Do you mean the team of psychologists? Or, did you wrench your
> back in some Triumph repair, and need a team of physiologists?
> My only Triumph dream, though, was thirty or so years ago, driving in
> the `63 Spit, and I wantonly pushed it far beyond the limit in third
> gear.  In that dream, the tach was registering the actual rpm, and as it
> approached 9000, the engine came apart, with pieces flying everywhere,
> but, oddly, there was not a sound. A very quiet example of rpm excess,
> well before the days of rev limiters.

That MUST have been a dream since no Spitfire tach has ever has 9000
printed on its face!  :)

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