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Re: No more shlep boys etc

To: "Jim Muller" <>, "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: No more shlep boys etc
From: "Kinderlehrer" <>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 18:49:37 -0800
References: <3DEE685B.7819.644360@localhost>
> Um, I've never heard of schlep (1 p or 2) being used as a noun.  (I
> confess I haven't followed all the recent discussion.)  But perhaps
> it was a noun originally and someone verbed it.
> --
> Jim Muller

Can be either.  "MyTriumph it went kaput at the bottom of the hill, the
garage was at the top.  Oy vey, what a schlep."

or, "A new genertor I had to schlep all the way back. Such tsoris."
Notice the LBC content? :)

And since it is all spelled phonetically, one "l" or two, it doesn't matter.
(But why is phonetically spelled that way?)


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