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Re: Who's driving today? and life (problems?) in CA

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: Who's driving today? and life (problems?) in CA
From: "Graham Stretch" <>
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 20:03:23 -0000
References: <>
Hi Randall, David
Something else to bear in mind is that batteries are extremely sympathetic
things and will often fail in sympathy with the generator or alternator to
which they are very attached!! 8-(


----- Original Message -----
From: "Randall Young"
Subject: RE: Who's driving today? and life (problems?) in CA

> David, I hate to say this ... but my guess is that you now have a bad
> generator, in addition to whatever problem was causing it to charge at
> tilt.
> Generators are psychotic devices, they have to be restrained to keep them
> from destroying themselves.  It doesn't take very long, putting out more
> than the rated 19 (or 22) amps, before the windings overheat, ruining the
> insulation and throwing solder from the commutator.  Even 22 amps is of
> course less than full scale on the ammeter, so you should _never_ see the
> ammeter peg on the + side.

> Randall

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