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Whine in gearbox or differential?

To: "Randall Young" <>,
Subject: Whine in gearbox or differential?
From: Bill Pugh <>
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 10:01:39 -0700
References: <>
I am sure there are a lot of noises I cannot hear in Casper(he is 
after all 45 years old) with the top down wind noise and the Monza 
roar, however I choose to adopt the "head in the sand" approach to 
such things. As long as he continues to get me where I am going (and 
back), and as long as I give him proper Oil,Gas,Water and Lube I am 
willing to forgive any rude noises he might make...there is this 
somewhat annoying vibration at 2200 rpm however...<G>

>BTW, I agree it's normal for a TR gearbox to whine a little in all gears.  I
>can't hear it unless I have the trans tunnel out and the engine shut down,
>but it's there.  Might be a little easier to hear on those newfangled cars
>with windows <g>

Bill Pugh
1957 TR-3
aka Casper
Wallace, CA

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