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RE: Engine stand

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: Engine stand
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 09:32:32 -0700
> I am rebuilding the engine of my TR3A (TS23196L) engine.
>         1. Can anyone recommend a cheap engine stand?

Mine appears to be identical to

No problem supporting the motor, although today I would probably buy
just because the extra caster would make it a bit more stable when rolling
about on an uneven floor.

>         2.   I would like to improve the oil flow throughout the
> whole motor.
>               I've read about installations that provide the
> rocker arms with more oil.

BFE, TSi, etc. sell the kit to run high pressure oil to the rocker shaft.
My experience was that it greatly increased oil burning, I threw it back in
the parts bin after it cost me a broken piston.  (Oil has a really low
octane, and I couldn't hear the knocking at speed. YMMV)  It can also reduce
oil flow to the rod bearings, which is not a good thing.

Unlike the rod and main bearings, the rocker shaft does not require a
constant flow of oil for cooling.  As long as the wear surfaces remain oily,
more oil will not reduce wear appreciably.  Thus, IMO, the factory system is
adequate as long as you keep the oil changed often enough to prevent sludge

Randall Young
59 TR3A TS39781LO daily driver (currently sidelined for OD transplant)
63 Sports 6 HB7826LCV rustoration project
71 Stag LE1473L daily driver (Real Soon Now)

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