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RE: TR3a Wiper Motor

To: "Triumphs@Autox Net (E-mail)" <>
Subject: RE: TR3a Wiper Motor
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 14:00:32 -0700
> After hooking up the motor like it should I tried to run it.  Nothing, the
> motor did not turn.  Okay, what did I miss & what are my steps to
> diagnose?
> I checked the voltage to the motor on the main green wire and it was 12V.

If you can read 12V directly between the two terminals on the motor, then
the problem is inside the motor.  If not of course, then there's a problem
with your wiring.

Do a quick resistance check between the terminals (wires disconnected)
before opening the motor up, you should read a fairly low (roughly 3 ohms)
resistance.  If you do, then the problem is likely mechanical.  If it shows
open (as I expect it will), the problem is electrical.  My vote for most
likely would a brush that has slipped out of place (or the entire holder).


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