In a message dated Thu, 9 May 2002 2:46:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time, ""
<> writes:
> There was a local British car show in Peoria that I attended just
> after getting my TR4 back on the road after a 2 year frame up
> rebuild (that's like, many years ago folks). It was the very first
> car show that the Green Man (my TR4) and I attended....
> There were about 10 cars in my "class". Most were MGBs and
> Spridgets.
> Sitting next to my shiny SO-O GREEN TR4 was a tatty "used-to-be-red"
> `49 MG TC. It was totally original. I mean it was so original it
> must have had over 40 years of dust, rust, flaky paint and
> assorted grunge on it....
> The TC won "Best of Class". When the owner, this old geezer, got
> around to leaving he winked at me and said, "Don't feel so bad... Ya
> just can't beat cute... The same thing happens when I show up at Hot
> Rod shows..."
Greg, GET OVER IT! :-) Surely you've learned by now that the "Classic British
Roadster Shape" of the MG-TC (even if it's actually a Riley Nine, Morgan +4,
Triumph Straight-Eight Dolomite, etc.) will always win out over the "modrun"
But to add to all this, I once brought my Triumph Mayflower and my Spitfire 4
"race" (autocross) car to what was otherwise pretty much an all-hot-rod car
show (mostly cars with engines too big to fit under the hoods). Guess which of
the two cars drew more attention? Guess which of the two cars drew as much
attention as just about any hot rod there? Guess which car was one of only
about 10-12 in the whole show that the organizers wanted driven by a reviewing
stand at the end, for "special recognition"?*
--Andy Mace
*And guess which car had no brakes at the time? I had to shut it off in gear to
stop it....
--Andy Mace
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