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RE: Conflicting Indicators on idle problem

To: "''" <>, "" <>
Subject: RE: Conflicting Indicators on idle problem
From: john donnelly <>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 08:56:51 -0700
Hello Airbear72.

Good name. You asked ....

 ]]]] Is there a new setting for using Gross jets?

No. Adjustment is the same. IMHO the Grosse jets fail more frequently than 
the needle jets. I tried but switched back.

]]]]] I pulled all the plugs to check and they are black
indicating rich mixture.  I lift the damper on both
carbs up about 1/4 an inch and the engine stalls
indicating lean.  There in lies my conflict.  Which
indicator do I believe?  Plugs or carbs.

Believe the plugs, they're what's really happening. Start with the basic 
carb settings (i.e. two turns out) and try running with that for 30-50 
miles, and recheck the plugs. If they turn tan that's good. If powdery 
white, too lean, and black to rich. Try adjusting by three flats each and 
go another 50 miles, and recheck.

I assume that you can adjust idle speed OK, and have no bad air leaks. 
Spray carb cleaner around the throttle shafts, fittings and intake 
manifold. If idle increases, you have a problem.

One last thing might be the needles themselves.

Good luck
John in San Diego
'67 TR4A
'71 Volvo P1800E

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