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Re: Parts for Sale - protocol

To: Dan Scharpf <>,
Subject: Re: Parts for Sale - protocol
From: Dan Buettner <>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 13:31:15 -0500
References: <>
Dan -

I believe you will find it is perfectly acceptable to post "for sale" 
notices on the list, within reason (i.e. don't do it all the time, or 
for a business).  For personal sales, I think it's perfectly fine - I 
myself have done it with some extra Spitfire bits.

A post that simply says "I have a thingahmahjig and a doohickey for 
an early TR3; first $27.50 inclusing shipping gets both.", for 
example, is perfectly fine for this list.

Some folks also simply post notices that they have put parts up on 
eBay, which seems OK with me as well, though it is perhaps less 
list-related than some would like.

My $.02.

Welcome back to the TR crowd!


At 10:32 -0700 04/17/02, Dan Scharpf wrote:
>I'm finally back on the list after about 2 years, and have started to
>dig into my TR2 project. I bought the car from a widow whose husband
>had begun collecting extra parts and had accumulated a few TR3 and TR4
>parts that I will not need. (The mass of parts also included an MGA
>bumper as well.)
>I want to sell these, either to people on the list, or through Ebay,
>and I wanted to know if any protocol has been established that offers
>the listers a chance at the parts before they have to compete for them
>on ebay?
>I currently have just a few bits that I know I will not need and I want
>to start unloading them.
>New London, NH
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dan Buettner  -  Des Moines, Iowa  -

1957 TR3, TS15098L 'O' - with a nice shiny rear axle installed!
Brakes partly complete, transmission almost back together.

1977 Spitfire, FM64159U 'O' - in storage.

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