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Electrical worry

To: "ian.viles" <>
Subject: Electrical worry
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2002 16:57:11 -0500
Cc: "triumphs list" <>
Message text written by "ian.viles"
>On starting my TR6 today, when I turned the ignition key I heard a 'spark
noise' - just a single 'crack' before the engine started. The noise seemed
to come from the ignition key area. I switched off and started the car
again - no stange noises that time.
I am a little paranoid about electrical fires since my Mini Cooper caught
fire some years ago (a strange cause - coil bracket broke, coil fell
engine block - tacho wire became a 'fuse' and set area behind dash on
Should I investigate strange noise on the 6? Where should I look?

Indeed.  Check the terminals at the mulitconductor plug comong off of hte
ignition switch.  These terminals loose their compression and make poor
contact and can make intermittent contact.  Another possible culprit is the
switch itself.  The ignition switch on my 71 went bad and would
occasionally "switch off" the ignition as I was driving down the road.  And
of course the overdrive would drop out and the exhaust system would fill up
with unburnt gas and when ignition was restored, kaaboom!  A new switch
rectified everything.

That crack noise is the result of an inductive load and the biggest one is
the coil and the ignition switch is the only switch to the coil.

Good luck

Dave Massey

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