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Re: TR3a heater

Subject: Re: TR3a heater
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 08:07:49 EST

I installed the heater in my TR3 this past summer. It was really straight 
forward. Both the MOSS (or Hayes) catalog or Bentley manual has the diagrams, 
which were sufficient. The MOSS diagram is attached in JPG (2 files). This 
diagram does not show the Heater unit mounting bracket (its a U shaped three 
point mounting unit). The Bentley does show the bracket and this and the 
Heater unit in the assembled position. You assemble the motor to the mount 
with the Y shaped demister air duct and elbow to the right (passenger side) 
and then assemble together under the dash. You need to remove the glove box 
in order to position the heater and the right side demister hose. Connect and 
tighten all the hoses (demister and heater) prior to tightening up in the 
dash, as once its tightened up there is little room to work. I also replaced 
all the peripheral pieces, (hoses, return pipe, tap valve, pipe connectors, 
etc.) which run coolant, since there appeared to be a fair amount of 
degradation. The heater control (rheostat) worked fine. Prior to installing I 
ran the heater motor off a 12 volt battery for a few hours (with the rheostat 
also installed) and lubed the motor bushing with some light oil .
Anyway, if you have any Q's, feel free.

Best Regards,
Ed ('58 TR3A)

[demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type application/zip which had a name of 
TR 3 Heater diagram.ZIP]

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