Malcolm --
Hi there! Welcome to the limelight!
I thought I would add this note to what others have already said: for
an excellent guide to rebuilding your early TR transmission, see (look in the "Technical" section).
Nelson Riedel has put together a great set of documents on both the
transmission and the overdrive units.
Note that Nelson was working on TR6 transmissions, but that nearly
all of what he discusses applies to earlier cars.
He also has some excellent suggestions for making cheap special tools
for disassembly and assembly.
At 18:11 -0800 11/20/01, Malcolm Walker wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>After a long period of lurking (and not lurking), thought I'd pop back
>to drop this oft-asked question:
>My transmission is failing. What shall I do?
>The symptoms: gear selector is feeling 'loose', gears are noisy, faint
>steady knocking noise that corresponds to wheel speed (most audible when
>coasting to a stop for a stoplight). The noise has been getting
>steadily worse, but the loose selector & knocking noise are brand new,
>only happened for one day (er, early morning, returning home at 2AM)
>This is for a 1962 TR4 with (apparently) stock transmission, non-OD.
>My question: What sort of things should I buy? Is it time to do a
>clutch job too, or should I inspect first? Gaskets / gasket material to
>get? Special tools? Should I go for the 'magic clutch recipe, or stick
>with original stuff?
>Can I drop in a newer TR6 (or non-Triumph) transmission in, so that I
>can continue to drive while rebuilding the original? How about older,
>eg. TR3 without synchro first?
>And if anyone's got links to HOWTO websites, or BTDT sites, I'd much
>appreciate it. Looks like I will not be driving through winter, as I
>know that once the tranmission comes out I will be compelled to fix the
>floor. And the fenders. And the trunk. And the hinges. And the
>cowling. Ugh.
>Thanks in advance,
>-Malcolm Walker, extreme lurker
>1962 TR4 CT10339L
>To know that which you do not know, is the best.
> --Confucious
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dan Buettner - Des Moines, Iowa -
1957 TR3, TS15098L 'O' - with a nice shiny rear axle installed!
Front suspension back together too, & steering box coming along nicely.
1977 Spitfire, FM64159U 'O' - in storage.
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