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Re: Are we gaining or losing Triumphs?

To: "Triumph (E-mail)" <>
Subject: Re: Are we gaining or losing Triumphs?
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 01 09:28:36 -0800
>Are the barns beating us, or are we beating the barns?

I think home garages are the big winners.

It seems to me like a lot of side screen TRs are being restored to 
pristine condition then stored in garages only to come out for 
club/marque events and very occasional Sunday drives.

I suspect part of it is what the owner feels most comfortable driving.  
For most it is a new ish vehicle with a fully contained environment and 
requires servicing every fourth harvest moon.  In contrast the TR is more 
like a contancerous toy.

My TR3A is the newer of my two cars and therefore as good as it gets in 
decent weather (The Land Rover wins in bad weather).  The traditional 
motorist experience is my norm.

TeriAnn Wakeman               If you send me direct mail, please
Santa Cruz, California        start the subject line with TW -           I will be sure to read the message   

"How can life grant us the boon of living..unless we dare"
Amelia Earhart 1898-1937

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