The number of Triumphs being brought back to life appears to be growing thus
increasing the number of "Visible" Triumphs. However, since many of the
ones that are being "Discovered" are being cut up for parts to make the
restorable ones whole, I have to believe that the total number of Triumphs is
shrinking. When all the rust free or semi-rust-free cars are used up, the
rate of decrease will surely slow down because the rust buckets will then
be considered candidates for restoration rather than "donors".
So, if my theory is correct, I think the Barns are actually doing Triumphs a
favor by hiding the not so perfect cars from sure destruction until the
trend slows down.
Just my very humble opinion!
"Freeman, Noah" wrote:
> I had a question I was wondering about that I wanted to throw out to the
> list-
> There are tons of stories of Triumphs being rescued from barns- The one
> in Hawaii, mine (in a barn for 5 years after the death of its earlier
> owner), etc. But at the same time, Triumphs are being put in barns,
> left in the rain to rust, and crashed...
> Obviously, since they are not being made, the number can only be
> decreasing if you look at all triumphs in existence...but is the number
> in regular use increasing or decreasing?
> Are the barns beating us, or are we beating the barns?
> Just wanted peoples thoughts...
> Noah "fight the barns" Freeman
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