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Re: [Fwd: TR2/3 - Engine - Suggestions?]

To: "Rob Blubaugh" <>
Subject: Re: [Fwd: TR2/3 - Engine - Suggestions?]
From: Paul Burr <>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 15:33:46 -0500
Cc: "" <>

I'd fix the fuel line and change the oil before giving up. It could be a 
combo of gasoline and assembly lube that's messing up your oil.


On Monday, November 5, 2001, at 03:05 PM, Rob Blubaugh wrote:

> snip
> Hello fellow listers.
> .  There is a small fuel leak at the fuel pump.  (I did not
> change a fuel line that had previously been poorly threaded to the 
> pump.  Now I have it cross threaded and some new parts are needed.)  
> This is a minor problem.  On shutting down the engine after a few 
> minutes of low rpm running to warm it up, when I checked the oil my 
> greatest fears on the project were realized.  I have milky oil
> which means I have water getting into the oil.

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