At 11:35 AM -0400 8/30/01, Rob Christopher wrote:
>As part of my resto of my TR6, I'm determined to reuse as much of the
>rubber grommets and boots as possible. Replacing all those $1 items
>will kill the budget.
>Does anyone have any recommendations for rubber rejuvenators? I plan to
>degrease the parts and treat them with the rejuvenator to shine them up
>and hopefully make them more plyable again.
I have had great success with KEL Pure Silicone Spray, the key here
is "Pure", most Silicone sprays on the market contain some other
lubricants. KEI is Pure Silicone, not easy to find but the stock
number is: 57500 (110-A). BTW it is also great for protecting blued
guns from rust.
Bill Pugh
1957 TR-3
aka Casper
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