Bill -- Don't drop the don't need to. Speedo & Tach are
mounted to the dash with two clamps (Each) with a knurled knob. Simply
remove the knobs and clamps and pull the units forward out of the dash.
Then you can change the bulbs. First time you do this, you may want to
remove the driver's seat and lie on your back with your head under the
dash so you can see everything easily. After you've done it once,
you'll be able to do it by feel while sitting in the seat. Phil
Bacon, 72 TR6
On Mon, 13 Aug 2001 18:04:37 -0500 "Williams, Bill (Atlanta)"
<> writes:
>Hi All,
>I've been able to replace the bulbs in my small gauges by removing the
>box, ash tray and reaching under and around.
>However, on the tach and speedometer, I can't quite get to them all
>especially the upper bulbs.
>Any suggestions other than dropping the fascia board which I've never
>If I do have to drop the fascia, how big of a job is it?
>74 TR6
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