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Re: TR2/3 Gearbox & OD Identification

To: "Brian Sanborn" <>, "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: TR2/3 Gearbox & OD Identification
From: "Kai M. Radicke" <>
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 16:28:01 -0400
Organization: Radicke Media Group
References: <>
Brian Sanborn previously wrote:

> TR2 from TS5980-TR4 to October 1964
> The gearbox may be a factory refurbused replacement item

Yup, dating the OD was the easy part.  General consensus (well yourself and
Brian at Power British) is that it is probably a replacement gearbox.  I'm
finding consistent differences between the case I have and correct TR2/3/4
cases, my case resembles the TR6 ones...

So far the best guess I have is that D28 A 71, means A for A-type OD... 1971
for the date code of the gearbox remanufacture?  Fred Thomas had some D28 A

Jonmac, Jonmac?



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