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TR4 Diff help

Subject: TR4 Diff help
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2001 13:03:00 EDT
Folks, below is a question I received.  Please reply directly to him, copy to 
me.  Thanks.  (It's been a long time since I did this job).

Art Kelly

In a message dated 28-Jun-01 22:19:54 Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> I'm a member of the VTR and am the proud owner of a 1964 TR4.  I've had the 
> tranny rebuilt and just replaced the clutch as well, so I figured why not 
> do the U-joints as well!  So the yoke end nearest the tranny, I followed 
> the shop book by removing the circlips and then banging a hammer on the 
> yoke until the bearings and caps slid out by themselves...  No problem.
> The problem has arisen with the yoke end for the diff.  I've tried soaking 
> WD-40 and Liquid Wrench in both ends of the bearing and near the actual 
> joint.  I've tried banging around the sides and have tried to squeeze a 
> chisel into the sides to bang in, but all to no avail.  That joint is NOT 
> coming out...  I was hoping you might have some ideas or some experience 
> similar to mine.  
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!
> Thanks,
> Andy

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