I am requesting advice from the well versed among the list. My TR6 is
blocked in by my son's Jeep Wrangler, which is immobile until I complete some
brake work (the minimal LBC content). I have found that removal of the lug
nuts is an extreme chore. As 17-year olds and Jeep Wranglers seem naturally
attracted to water and mud, there is ample opportunity for conditions that
inhibit easy removal of the lug nuts. In my case, it took a cheater bar and
all 230 pounds of my weight on the bar to break the nuts loose. There is no
way that my son could do this on (or off) the road. My question is whether
it is safe to coat the studs with anti-seize or some other compound to
prevent the reoccurrence of this problem. Please respond off-list to
preserve bandwidth. As always, thank you for your assistance to your less
capable brethren.
David Gill
1976 TR6
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