If anyone ever asks if you know anyone stupid enough to rebuild their own type
12 calipers, show them my picture.
Armed with my fresh from Fitchett's rebuild kits, I lightly honed, then
rebuilt my calipers. I had forcibly removed the pistons some time back,(HINT:
Find a VW Beetle caliper puller- it should work! I had my hands on a bunch at
Carlisle, and thinking I wouldn't need one, didn't spend the $5.00. You will
need it for reassembly...) I proceeded to clean the calipers, give them a coat
of paint(for the record, I used silver Rustoleum hammer finish, oversprayed
with Rustoleum black, for an interesting though unoriginal mottled gray) and
started to reassemble them. My first discovery was that the rebuild kits did
not have new O-rings for between the two halves. So I got some at work. They
should be ok with the Silicone fluid. If not, I will have some problems till I
find new originals...
Anyway, I also replaced the bleeder screws, and started on the pistons.
Pistons were a little tight going through the rubber O-ring, but eventually
seated properly(I tested one by direct attaching the master cylinder. Hint-
Remember- when testing a dual opposing piston caliper, you must either have it
all together, or block off the crossover drilling. After the fluid shot over
my left shoulder, I covered the hole, and tried again. It operated fine.)
The to installing the piston dust boots. Oh what fun. The caliper side is a
pain in the A.., and the piston side pretty easy. But I got them on. Then I
reassembled the two halves, and just have to find my torque spec.
Good Luck to those who wish to follow in my footsteps with regard to
rebuilding these calipers. Save the trouble- spend the money for rebuilts!
still throwing things...
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